We are a faith-based nonprofit empowering refugees in Metro Atlanta.
To help refugees build abundant new lives in America
New Americans flourishing as our neighbors and friends

What we do
Friends of Refugees was founded in 1995 as the vision of Ms Pat Maddox, a retired nurse and Clarkston native. We became an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2005. Over the years, Friends has impacted over 50,000 refugees resettled in Clarkston and Metro Atlanta. Our unique wrap-around programming empowers New Americans to seize opportunities while bringing them into relationships that help them flourish. We focus on the critical areas of language and literacy, maternal health and childbirth, employment and entrepreneurship, and healthy food access. Since nearly all refugees experience trauma while fleeing their homes, all our programs incorporate trauma-informed practices to support ongoing mental health and recovery.

Our Approach
As a Christian Community Development organization, we believe that every person–no matter their religion, nationality or gender–is sacred and worthy of our friendship and an outstretched hand. We work across all faiths, ethnicities, social classes and backgrounds. There is no faith requirement to receive our services and we welcome people of all faiths– or none at all–to serve alongside us.
Core Values
While every program is unique in its delivery, the foundation of all our work is based on Friends of Refugees’ Core Values

We invest in relationships with those we serve and those with whom we serve. We love one another through relationship as God loves us. We seek to model Christ’s love in these relationships and the work that we do in the community.

We seek to treat all people – as bearers of the image of God – with dignity and worth. Everyone has something to give and to learn from one another.

We prioritize initiatives which empower individuals and their families and thus allow for greater self-sufficiency. We provide environments where people are free and able to contribute not only to their own well-being, but also to the well-being of their families, neighbors and communities.

We accomplish our mission through programmatic excellence, continual improvement by staff and partners, and effective delivery of our resources that meet the actual needs of our community. Stewarding well the resources God provides is a hallmark of Friends of Refugees.

Abundant Life
We experience abundant life when we are in relationship with God and others, where our inherent dignity and capacity is acknowledged, and we are participating in the development of a flourishing community.
Will you be a friend?
There are many ways to join us as we build abundant life in flourishing communities with our New American neighbors.

Set up a recurring donation, contribute one time, or view our in-kind donation lists.

Share your information to learn about ways partners can serve and volunteer.