Summer is a time when we go “all-in” to invest in youth and families for 7 packed and joyful weeks!

It’s also a time when we get to try new things together—new rhythms, new relationships, and even new programming ideas that will encourage refugee flourishing in deeper, timely ways.

Last summer, we tried something new—we offered an informal English class for pre-literate refugee women whose children were participating in Summer Youth Experience. 

What we learned from that experiment was that we had a new opportunity, and we had the skills and the people ready to seize it!

That willingness to listen to try new things with friends has birthed our newest literacy program, Parwana: English for Women. 

Thinking about this chain reaction fills me with awe. Because of SYE, we were able to try something new. These moms had the space to try something new, too. Two generations were learning at once, getting tools to flourish. 

The impacts of that little summer experiment will now be felt by dozens and dozens of women, across countless families and for generations to come. Wow. 

Truly, it is only possible to do innovative, relationship-based work like this because of your support. That is why I want to thank you!

In case you’re wondering, we are ready to innovate again!

This summer, we’re experimenting with new ways to invite the entire family into the SYE. We’ll be hosting regular family picnics, parent-and-child art activities, and are even toying ideas for specifically reaching out to refugee fathers. We can’t wait to share more soon!

Thank YOU for your willingness to innovate alongside us. Every donation, encouragement, and hour spent in our community makes an impact that ripples outwards.

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